Mission: To join together in prayer and service in order to promote a greater respect for life in all of its stages, from conception through natural death.
Activities: We support Problem Pregnancy and Visitation House, both of Worcester, which meet the needs of women seeking to continue their pregnancies in difficult circumstances. Some fundraising activities for these organizations include selling Mother’s Day Novena cards, baby booties on the Giving Tree during Advent, and the spiritual adoption of a baby during Lent, with funds being collected in a baby bottle to help mothers and their babies. The ministry also witnesses for life by participating in the annual “March for Life” in Washington, DC and the bi-annual “Forty Days for Life” program in Worcester, MA.
Membership / Participation: We usually meet the fourth Monday of every month at 4:00 pm in the rectory. We pray together and share ideas.
How to Join: Contact Linda Paquette at (508) 949-1218 or
or come to any meeting and speak to a member during any of our various fund-raising activities.