Mission: To unite Catholic women in an effort to promote our common faith and values in our church and our community. Our organization participates in local, state, and international activities of spiritual, social, and charitable nature. We are a sisterhood, comparable to the Knights of Columbus brotherhood, which knows but one faith and one church – the Catholic Church. Our membership consists of members from many area churches and includes women of all ages. The Daughters of Isabella is the largest Catholic women’s organization in the world. The State of Massachusetts has 12 local Circles with over 800 members.
Membership Requirements: Catholic women ages 16 and older. Annual dues are $12.00. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month, except for January and August. They are held at 7:00 PM in the parish hall, but may vary dependent upon the scheduled activity. Election of officers and Installation is held biannually.
Activities: Pro-Life Baby Shower held in April, Breast Cancer Walk (Convention), monthly meetings, guest speakers, charity Bowl-A-Thon, bus trips and fundraisers, mystery rides, Thanksgiving pie sale, giant raffle in June, family picnics, state and international meetings/ conventions, May baskets, throws and afghans for shut-ins, Pro-Life prayer quilt (State), Bread of Life Soup Kitchen (once a month), Annual Mass for deceased members, annual candlelight vigil for deceased, abused children of Massachusetts.
How to Join: Come to a regularly scheduled meeting and speak with a member or contact Jan Caouette (508) 887-2215 or Linda Gevry at (508) 949-1254.